Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Another Attempt

Well, I made it back into the 270s, within a few pounds of my heaviest weight ever, and decided that I had to try again. I'm struggling to finish my second day of fasting. As I write this, midnight is moments away. I made it through yesterday by taking things one day at a time. "Maybe I'll eat tomorrow, but not today." That (and being busy) worked today too, until around 1900. By then, I was done outside for the day and had been relaxing for an hour or two. And it hit me. I want to eat. I'm not hungry, but I want to eat. It got worse at 2200 when Wife went to bed. I almost got a handful of peanuts from the pantry. But I know that the minute I eat anything, I'll start eating everything. Fuck it, I'm going to bed. I'm not sleepy, but if I stay up my chances of success plummet. Maybe I'll eat tomorrow.